Program Overview

To transform finance, a lot needs to be done.

We believe there are transformative alternatives across the entire universe of capital flows, so our programs reflect this rich diversity of approaches.

Within each program, we offer a variety of resources, experiences, and services to our stakeholders. Read more about each of them below.

Transformative Financing Structures

Transformative Financing Structures

A more Transformative economy requires more equitable term sheets and ownership structures. We research these models – most currently Employee Ownership and other Alternative Ownership Enterprise models – and develop solutions for investors to make them more commonplace.

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Community Owned Real Estate

Community Owned Real Estate

We advance community control over land, housing, and other real estate assets by developing narratives and tools for the various stakeholders that are necessary for financing and building these projects.

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Foundations of Impact

Foundations of Impact

We seek to make Transformative Finance the primary logic of the financial system. To do this, we cause investors to question the role of finance in society, and help them adopt wholesale changes to how they approach impact.

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Participatory Investment

Participatory Investment

Investments in communities from outside investors may create some benefit, but rarely build long term power for communities. We promote investment efforts that share decision making with communities: Participatory Investment.

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Non-Program Work

Not all of our work can be grouped into programs. Some other concepts we are exploring can be found here.

Capital Strategies

Social change actors know that capital holds power, and that influencing investor posture and action can advance movement goals. There are many examples of these “Capital Strategies” – and they grow more important as the financial sector becomes more and more powerful. We’re currently building out a resource hub to support movement leaders and infrastructure builders to make Capital Strategies happen.